
Tag icon 3dprinting Tag icon cad Tag icon computers Tag icon email Tag icon fpga Tag icon g-code Tag icon gardening Tag icon golang Tag icon hardware Tag icon linux Tag icon malware Tag icon maps Tag icon rust Tag icon svg Tag icon sway Tag icon theory Tag icon wayland Tag icon weather

Tag icon 3dprinting

DIY Air Purifier

A simple air purifier made with an off the shelf HEPA filter

Tag icon cad

DIY Air Purifier

A simple air purifier made with an off the shelf HEPA filter

Tag icon computers

Upgrading my Dell Optiplex 7020

Retrofitting an older desktop PC and all the challenges involved.

Tag icon email

Re: You should look at this

The tale of a malicious Excel macro.

Switching from ProtonMail to Fastmail

Documenting my motivations for switching email providers, the steps involved, and first reactions.

Tag icon fpga

Testing HDL on GitHub with Github Actions

How I automatically run tests on all FPGA libraries in the hdl-util organization.

Generating gray codes of arbitrary width

One-liner gray code conversion implemented in SystemVerilog.

Interfacing FPGAs with MIPI Cameras

A progress update on my project to do MIPI camera control and video reception from scratch with an FPGA.

Minimal HDMI for FPGAs Released

Celebrating the first stable release of the project with a recap, discussion of changes, and what's next.

HDMI output on an FPGA

Tackling HDMI output from the ground up as my first major FPGA development project.

Tag icon g-code

svg2gcode Progress Update

A review of major changes and what's next

Pen Plotter

How I helped build a pen plotter from a design on Thingiverse and wrote svg2gcode to draw SVGs with it.

Tag icon gardening

Elephant bush succulent

A little water and sunshine goes a long way!

Tag icon golang

2D Rendering of the Plan 9 Palette Cube

Showing the colors of the Plan 9 Palette Cube in a grid for visual understanding.

Tag icon hardware

DIY Air Purifier

A simple air purifier made with an off the shelf HEPA filter

The Pinecil: a portable USB-C soldering iron

My thoughts on the Pinecil: a portable USB-C soldering iron.

Upgrading my Dell Optiplex 7020

Retrofitting an older desktop PC and all the challenges involved.

Kindle DX Graphite as an E Ink Clock

Recreating my broken songbird clock as a digital smart clock.

Interfacing FPGAs with MIPI Cameras

A progress update on my project to do MIPI camera control and video reception from scratch with an FPGA.

HDMI output on an FPGA

Tackling HDMI output from the ground up as my first major FPGA development project.

Pen Plotter

How I helped build a pen plotter from a design on Thingiverse and wrote svg2gcode to draw SVGs with it.

Tag icon linux

Remapping Keys on Sway

A simple way to remap keys on Sway WM.

Tag icon malware

Re: You should look at this

The tale of a malicious Excel macro.

Tag icon maps

Tiled Maps

What are tiled maps and how do they work?

ICAO location codes

What they are and where to get them

Tag icon rust

Kindle DX Graphite as an E Ink Clock

Recreating my broken songbird clock as a digital smart clock.

Tag icon svg

svg2gcode Progress Update

A review of major changes and what's next

Pen Plotter

How I helped build a pen plotter from a design on Thingiverse and wrote svg2gcode to draw SVGs with it.

Tag icon sway

Remapping Keys on Sway

A simple way to remap keys on Sway WM.

Tag icon theory

Generating gray codes of arbitrary width

One-liner gray code conversion implemented in SystemVerilog.

Enumerating Lattice Points in a Hypersphere

An intuitive algorithm for the task.

Lindenmayer Systems

A brief overview of L-systems and how they represent intricate patterns concisely.

Tag icon wayland

Remapping Keys on Sway

A simple way to remap keys on Sway WM.

Tag icon weather

ICAO location codes

What they are and where to get them